Srividhya Rajagopalan: A Beacon of Empowerment in the Male-Dominated Construction Industry

Srividhya Rajagopalan
Srividhya Rajagopalan

Driven by an unwavering passion to carve a niche in the civil industry, Srividhya Rajagopalan is not just a successful entrepreneur but also a trailblazer for aspiring women in this traditionally male-dominated field.

Since 1998, Srividhya has defied the odds. With unwavering optimism and an unyielding can-do spirit, she has navigated the challenges and uncertainties of the construction industry, which has historically favoured male leadership. Her remarkable journey has led to the flourishing of HITECH Engineering Solutions (India) and SVAAS Inframax Solutions Pvt Ltd., both a testament to her dedication and business acumen.

Today, these companies stand tall as certified SSI units, recognized for their commitment to quality (ISO 9001:2015)environmental sustainability (ISO 14001:2015), and occupational health and safety (OHSAS 45001:2018). This commitment extends beyond their core business, evidenced by their reputation for delivering cost-effective solutions across India and Asia.

An Awe-Inspiring Entrepreneurial Saga

Srividhya’s entrepreneurial journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Hailing from Chennai, she was born into a middle-class Tamil Brahmin family, where traditional expectations often guided life choices. Despite these norms, Srividhya dared to break free from the mould after completing her education. Growing up under the guidance of her father, a school teacher, she imbibed values of disciplined growth and academic excellence. Her remarkable academic record, securing the first position each year, culminated in a prestigious state rank and a full scholarship for her engineering studies, a testament to her dedication and merit.

However, tragedy struck early in Srividhya’s life with the loss of her mother. This profound loss left her grappling with loneliness and depression, seeking solace in self-affirmation notes and the wisdom of others. She overcame these challenges through resilience and inner strength, propelling her towards a path of success and accomplishment.

Driven by a desire to carve her path, Srividhya ventured into the real estate industry during its nascent stages of growth in Chennai. Recognizing the need for economically viable housing solutions, she revolutionized the industry by creating templates for low-, mid-, and high-rise structures with meticulous attention to VASTU principles. Her innovative designs garnered widespread acclaim, establishing her as a trailblazer in the construction sector.

Despite the absence of a role model in her early engineering days, Srividhya found mentorship and inspiration from a seasoned professional who recognized her potential. Under his guidance, she honed her skills and expertise, laying the foundation for numerous successful construction projects across Tamil Nadu. Today, Srividhya stands tall as a respected entrepreneur, admired for her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence.

The Rise of a Mighty Phoenix

The journey of Srividhya, akin to that of a mighty phoenix, is a testament to resilience, determination, and unwavering optimism in the face of adversity. Like every first-generation entrepreneur, she encountered numerous financial and emotional challenges on her path to success. However, Srividhya embraced these challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. She recounts facing the toughest phases of life, where starting from scratch seemed inevitable. Initially, the absence of additional family income seemed like a disadvantage, but she soon realized that inner strength and a positive mindset were her greatest assets in overcoming obstacles. With her strong willpower and the unwavering support of her children, Srividhya turned struggles into strengths, propelling her professional journey forward with resilience.

In the early 1990s, the concept of startups was virtually non-existent, yet Srividhya dared to defy the status quo. Transforming a room in her house into a makeshift workspace, she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey with determination and optimism. Unlike many others in the industry, Srividhya was entirely self-made, building her company from the ground up. Though her first venture did not yield immediate commercial success, she remained undeterred, steadfastly pursuing her goals with grit and perseverance. She believes successful entrepreneurship demands adeptly managing personal and professional aspects of life, even when initial steps may seem daunting. By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and fostering a collective mindset, Srividhya exemplifies the transformative power of perseverance and resilience.

Beyond her entrepreneurial pursuits, Srividhya is a multifaceted individual with diverse interests. From interior decoration and blogging to mentoring fresh entrepreneurs and indulging in creative pursuits like playing the Veena and sketching, she embodies a holistic approach to life and learning. Her eclectic interests and passion for creativity reflect her dynamic personality and unwavering zest for life.

Winning Over Challenges by Changing the Mindsets

As a female civil engineer navigating a male-centric field, Srividhya encountered many challenges ranging from erratic timings to labour disputes on construction sites. Undeterred by these obstacles, she forged ahead with determination, founding her first professional company, HITECH Group, in Chennai in 1998.

Breaking the stereotype of women working under male bosses in fieldwork proved to be an uphill battle, with threats and initial resistance compelling her to consider reverting to a desk job. However, fueled by her passion and unwavering vision of business success, Srividhya courageously embraced calculated risks, undertaking large-scale construction projects across Chennai and Tamil Nadu. Her tenacity and dedication did not go unnoticed, earning her the prestigious title of

  • ‘Successful Women Entrepreneur of the Year‘ from IOB, Women Entrepreneur Branch, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in 2001.

Renowned for her expertise in building and delivering duplex houses, she earned the affectionate moniker ‘Duplex Vidhya‘ among her professional peers.

When familial circumstances necessitated a move from Chennai to New Delhi, Srividhya seized the opportunity to embark on a new chapter of her entrepreneurial journey. Immersing herself in researching the construction industry’s needs in New Delhi and the Delhi-NCR region, she identified a pressing issue: the escalating steel waste crisis plaguing construction sites, leading to significant cost overruns and project delays.

Determined to find a solution, she conceptualized innovative strategies to address this challenge. Thus, in 2006, the HITECH journey recommenced in New Delhi, with Srividhya swiftly establishing the company as a premier provider of turnkey solutions for major contractors nationwide. Her remarkable ability to overcome adversity and adapt to new environments underscores her resilience and entrepreneurial spirit, solidifying her reputation as a trailblazer in the construction industry.

HITECH Flies High

Srividhya highlights how HITECH has soared to great heights through its recognition by various prestigious associations and organizations such as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Structural Engineering Forum, and prominent government bodies like METRO RAIL, NHAI, CPWD, NTPC/NHPC, AAI, among others.

These endorsements serve as a testament to the company’s quality and reliability, enabling it to expand its customer base significantly. With multiple branch offices and stockyards strategically located across India and South Asia, HITECH ensures extensive coverage and accessibility to its clientele.

The company’s innovative solutions, ranging from steel products like Reinforcement Couplers to specialized Foundation Supportive Bolts and Earthquake Preventive Products, have garnered acclaim for their effectiveness in minimizing construction costs and enhancing structural integrity.

Additionally, HITECH has diversified its offerings by introducing a new vertical, Construction Chemicals. This vertical aims to preserve infrastructure integrity by addressing issues such as water seepages, leakages, corrosion, fire, and abrasions.

Encountering Obstacles with Ease

Srividhya reflects on the inherent challenges within the construction industry, acknowledging its fragility and susceptibility to turbulence. She recounts how the company encountered significant setbacks during pivotal events such as Demonetisation and the introduction of GST in India.

The abrupt transition to a new tax system and the shift from cash to online transactions posed formidable obstacles, impacting not only contractors but also construction labourers. Despite facing severe losses during these periods of upheaval, Srividhya’s unwavering determination and resilient mindset propelled her to persist through adversity.

With a steadfast commitment to overcoming obstacles, the company adopted a systematic approach to navigate turbulent times and emerge stronger. Through strategic adaptation and perseverance, Srividhya and her team managed to steer the company towards a brighter future, undeterred by the challenges encountered along the way.

Triumphing the Biggest Turbulence

In 2020, the world was blindsided by an unprecedented pandemic, presenting the most formidable challenge yet for businesses across industries. Srividhya vividly recalls the immense turbulence unleashed by the global health crisis, particularly within the construction field, where the very nature of work precluded the possibility of remote operations.

Amidst the chaos, contractors grappled with the monumental task of completing ongoing projects while navigating a labyrinth of government regulations, travel restrictions, and supply chain disruptions.

The HITECH Group, undeterred by the enormity of the challenge, rallied together with courage and determination. Adhering to stringent safety protocols, the team forged ahead, ensuring the completion of their projects as soon as government restrictions eased.

In the face of COVID-19, the paramount concern shifted from sales and profits to safeguarding the health and well-being of workers, underscoring a resolute commitment to prioritizing human life above all else.

Successful Emergence

Today, HITECH is a certified Small Scale Industry (SSI) unit boasting prestigious certifications, including ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and OHSAS 45001:2018. Its reputation for delivering cost-effective solutions extends not only across India but also throughout the Asian region.

Srividhya reflects on this remarkable journey with astonishment and humility, recognizing the accolades garnered from esteemed industry seminars and events. Notably, the Builders Association of India (BAI) and ACE’s recognition of “Best Technical Support to Their Key Projects” underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to technical excellence and problem-solving prowess. These awards testify to HITECH’s ability to navigate challenges effectively and achieve project objectives with precision and expertise.

Innovating Through Constant Improvements

Srividhya says, “At the HITECH Group, our primary goal is to consistently deliver unparalleled levels of customer service and value through our exclusive product solutions. We are dedicated to ongoing improvement in every aspect of our operations, ensuring that our team and processes continually evolve to set new standards in the industry.”

Our vision is for customers to instinctively turn to HITECH and join us in promoting best practices across the industry. We recognize that our true business partners include our supportive team, family, and friends, whose unwavering belief in our choices and steadfast support during challenging times have been instrumental to our success,” she adds.

She furthers that they understand the importance of innovation and adaptation in today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape and competitive construction industry. “We firmly believe that competition breeds excellence and serves as a catalyst for identifying and refining our strengths.” The competitive environment motivates them to continually enhance their products and performance, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the market and continuously exceed expectations.

Advice to Aspirants

Srividhya’s achievements are not solely measured by the success of her companies. Her dedication to empowering other women is equally noteworthy. She has earned numerous accolades from engineering forums and organizations recognizing successful women entrepreneurs. These awards are tangible recognition of her pioneering spirit and dedication to paving the way for a more inclusive future in the construction industry.

According to Srividhya, starting a company is a riveting roller coaster of emotions with tremendous highs and sometimes difficult lows. “However, one thing that always helps me through the ups and downs is to connect with some of the greatest minds to ‘Create my Own Entry’ rather than knocking on doors for opportunities. Below are just a few of my favourite quotes:”

The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker.

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” – Vince Lombardi.

Maintain a positive attitude. It’s essential for success. Having a positive attitude is a conscious choice”—Srividhya Rajagopalan.

*Her Accomplishments:

  • Women Entrepreneur of the Year– Indian Glory Awards – Feb 2024.
  • Indo Asian Women Entrepreneur Awardin Oct 2O23.
  • GIWL – Successful Women Entrepreneur Awardin Oct 2023.
  • Women Leadership Award in Skill Development – By WLF 2023.
  • Fast Emerging Women Entrepreneur– Builders Association of India – BAI, 2009.
  • Surya Vikas- Best Women Entrepreneur Awardfrom “Indian Overseas Bank, Chennai-Women Branches – By IOB 2001.

Srividhya Rajagopalan’s story is an inspiration to all. It is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and a commitment to making a difference. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for aspiring women entrepreneurs, demonstrating that success is achievable despite considerable challenges.