Prof Dr Parin Somani: The Steel Magnolia Embracing Strength, Humanity and Lifelong Learning 

Prof Dr Parin Somani
Parin Somani

‘Leadership cannot be simply a synonym for holding power. It also involves empathy, a sense of influence, a visionary aspect, emotional intelligence, and resilience.’ And what else other than strong women leaders can have the cluster of all these qualities? Since the last few years, the leadership picture has drastically changed, and women leaders have stepped into the spotlight, changing the world.

Having empathy and high emotional intelligence, these considerate leaders changed the world business game. With the motto to serve humanity globally, embracing her strength, intelligence and education, Prof Dr Parin Somani stands as the epitome of resilient leadership. Through her work with the London Organisation of Skills Development (LOSD), Dr Parin endeavours to contribute to progress and positively impact people’s lives worldwide.

The Transformative Power of Life Experiences

The darkest hours and lowest points in life teach humans to grow by leaps and bounds. Dr Parin’s journey is a story of highs and lows that captivate readers and leave an indelible mark. “My journey in the business world began with a profound realization sparked by adversity,” says Dr Parin. After surviving aggressive cancer twice and experiencing temporary loss of vision, she not only recognised the fragility of life but also felt a compelling urge to contribute to humanity. Moreover, she understood the transformative power of education and skills development and pursued further learning. Brimming with honours, she also earned eight doctorate awards. Furthermore, with her desire to help others, she embarked on a global journey and travelled to 127 countries to share knowledge and support communities worldwide.

Social Advocate Serving the Humanity

A motto is a short sentence or phrase with lasting power to motivate or guide individuals or groups towards their goals. Dr Parin’s journey of endurance is the best example of what this short sentence could do! Speaking about her business leadership, she says, “Two mottos have guided my journey as a business leader in India:

  1. ‘I aim to serve humanity until my last breath.’: This principle humbles Dr Parin and reminds her of the importance of contributing positively to the world around her.
  2. ‘By working together, we can achieve positive global change.’: These principles resonate deeply with the ethos of LOSD, as it encourages individuals to reach their true potential and contribute positively to society.

With humility, ethical conduct and a collaborative spirit, she strives to play her part in fostering progress and making a difference in the lives of people within the global society.

LOSD: A Beacon of Adaptability 

With the strong influence of life-changing mottos, Dr Parin leaves no stone unturned to help humanity all around the globe–staying abreast of the ever-evolving business environment and incorporating dynamic trends are two of them. “To stay ahead in the dynamic business landscape, we prioritize adaptability and innovation at our core. Lifelong learning and ongoing research fuel our ability to anticipate industry shifts. Through LOSD’s diverse platforms like the SkillFlex program, a revolutionary online learning platform designed to equip individuals with a diverse set of skills; Global Research Conferences (GRC)Global Research Journal (GRJ)LOSD Business Health RetreatsLOSD Excellence Awards and prestigious books featuring individual successes, we foster innovation and knowledge exchange,” mentions Dr Parin. Emphasizing the importance of LOSD, she adds that it serves as a beacon of adaptability, continuously evolving to meet the evolving needs of global societies. By embracing change and remaining at the forefront of trends, the company provides innovative solutions that drive success for its clients and contribute positively to society.

The Mindful and Compassionate Leader

Without a strong foundation, buildings collapse, and what lies at the bedrock of any organisation is its true and strong leadership. Being a thought and transformative leader, Dr Parin also has a unique leadership style that nurtures employee unity and encourages teamwork. She voices, “At the heart of my leadership style is fostering a unified vision and collaborative spirit within the organisation. I priorities ensuring alignment among team members, emphasizing clarity on our shared goals and the pathway to achieving them.

She also promotes open communication and mutual understanding, cultivating a culture of teamwork and collective ownership. Because united we stand together, Dr Parin and her team harness their collective talents and efforts to drive progress, always mindful of their overarching mission to positively impact humanity. “This approach to leadership and team building empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully while fostering a sense of purpose and unity within the organisation,” remarks Dr Parin.

Champions of the Best Customer Experiences 

As they say, a satisfied customer is the best business strategy. Along with exceptional leadership, Dr Parin also invests in providing the best experiences to her only boss–customers. In pursuing innovation, Dr Parin and the team prioritize maintaining a delicate balance between meeting customer expectations and enhancing user experience. She adds:

  • “We prioritize transparency, carefully analyzing the needs and desires of end-users.
  • By understanding their objectives, we align our business strategies to provide tailored solutions that empower them to achieve their goals effectively.
  • Continuous feedback loops and user-centric design principles guide our approach, ensuring that our products and services meet and exceed customer expectations.”

Through this customer-centric focus, they strike a harmonious balance that fosters satisfaction, loyalty and sustained growth in their niche market.

Instilling a Culture of Environmental Consciousness and Accountability

‘In the end, everything comes from and goes to the nature. We own to nature, and in the business world, implementing environmental-friendly practices is crucial.’ Dr Parin also takes the initiative to instil the significance of sustainable decisions in her team. “Guiding the team to integrate sustainability and environmental responsibility into our operations is paramount. We prioritise raising awareness and fostering a deep understanding of these principles among team members.” Moreover, education is pivotal in empowering the team to make well-informed decisions and embrace sustainable practices across all facets of their operations. Not just this, Dr Parin and her team actively seek out and implement sustainable solutions within daily practices.

Effective Initiatives and Transformative Projects 

Dr Parin’s transformational and inspirational leadership has birthed various effective initiatives and projects. One transformative initiative exemplifying her commitment to excellence and innovation is the Global Research Conference (GRC) series. “Following the success of GRC 2023 at Cambridge University, UK, we are proud to announce GRC 2024 at the prestigious University of Oxford, United Kingdom, scheduled from 23rd to 26th March 2024,” asserts Dr Parin.

In addition to that, she mentions that the LOSD Excellence Awards 2023, held at LORDS Cricket Ground, garnered acclaim and offered winners increased visibility and networking opportunities. Spotlighting her other achievements, Dr Parin adds that her book chapter in the Guinness World Record-breaking ‘The Thickest Book in the World’ highlighted ‘23 Positive Change Makers in the World 2023.’ This paved the way for the upcoming ‘24 Prominent Personalities in the World 2024’ coffee table book.

Tech Integration: Embedding Technology for Business Advancements

The world is changing with technology, and as a soaring exercise of human imagination, technology has impacted how businesses work. For Dr Parin, leveraging technology is paramount for optimizing services and maintaining a competitive edge in the digital age. “The LOSD SkillFlex program stands as a prime example, offering a revolutionary online learning platform tailored to individual needs, with pre-recorded programs that are short, flexible and comprehensive. Individuals are invited to join as instructors or participants by emailing,” mentions Dr Parin.

Furthermore, technology seamlessly integrates across all aspects of LOSD, particularly within GRJ. State-of-the-art services such as engaging visuals, podcasts, video presentations of research papers, and global outreach help disseminate knowledge. Technology incorporation does not stop here and includes award ceremonies and GRC conferences that leverage live streaming and virtual participation options, promoting inclusivity and societal advancement. By strategically integrating technology, LOSD stays ahead in innovation, empowering individuals and fostering global progress.

Fostering a Culture of Employee Growth

Blending innovation, technology and sustainable procedures, Dr Parin nurtures the growth of LOSD. Promoting organisational development, she also caters for the need for employee growth and encourages professional advancements in her team. Dr Parin shares, “Through mentorship programs, ongoing training sessions, and access to resources like the LOSD SkillFlex program, we empower our team to expand their skill sets and reach their full potential.

Additionally, the company promotes a collaborative environment where ideas are valued, feedback is encouraged, and individuals are supported in their personal and professional growth journey. Investing in its employees’ development and well-being cultivates a motivated, engaged and equipped workforce to drive the company’s success.

Biting the Bullet: Tackling Challenges with Grace

Success and challenges are two sides of the same coin. Every successful individual goes through thick and thin, getting tough with experiences and sailing the boat towards the ultimate goal. Dr Parin’s journey is not an exception and shows how she weathered the storm. “Amidst challenges in our corporate journey, our team encountered diverse perspectives that posed adversity. Recognizing the strength of diversity, I led our team to embrace these differences as assets rather than obstacles. By fostering an environment of open communication and collaboration, we encouraged individuals to share their viewpoints and collectively seek innovative solutions.” Through this inclusive approach, Dr Parin and her team transformed challenges into opportunities for growth, resilience and ingenuity. Ultimately, the team emerged stronger, united by a shared vision and fortified by the ability to leverage differences to overcome adversity and achieve success.

Thriving Through the Adversity of COVID

COVID-19 created disastrous situations in the global market, and enduring this period of difficulty was indeed difficult. However, Dr Parin got to grips with it and spearheaded extensive research and educational initiatives, reaching over 100,000 individuals globally to make a positive impact. Moreover, embracing technology’s vital role, she transitioned to delivering seminars and keynote addresses virtually while maintaining a global presence. “Our organizational structure adapted seamlessly as team members worked remotely from their respective countries, strengthening our resilience. By prioritizing innovation, education and remote collaboration, we ensured business continuity and navigated through these unprecedented times with agility and determination, emerging stronger and more united as a company,” says Dr Parin.

Unlocking Digital Potential

The true power of digital incorporation lies not in the technology itself but in how we use it to enhance human potential and drive meaningful change. At LOSD, technology is a cornerstone, facilitating internal connectivity, global education, and sustained consumer engagement. The company leverages digital tools to foster team collaboration and empower and educate global societies.

LOSD ensures continuous consumer engagement and enriching user experiences through active social media presence and innovative virtual platforms. By embracing digital transformation and prioritizing technology-driven solutions, the company stays at the forefront of industry trends, delivering dynamic service offerings that meet the evolving needs of stakeholders, foster meaningful connections, and drive societal impact.

Painting the Picture of the Future

Being at the helm of LOSD, Dr Parin also carves out the future, shaping the organization. She envisions the future that revolves around living by her life motto, striving to make a significant societal impact through education and skill development initiatives. Additionally, she aspires to motivate and inspire individuals, drawing from her life experiences to uplift them with faith, peace and a resilient attitude.

With dedication and a positive mindset, I believe anyone can achieve their goals. Through LOSD, we will continue empowering individuals by providing the necessary skills and recognition for global success at Together, we can create a brighter future for all, driven by determination and compassion,” concludes Dr Parin.

Dr Parin’s Esteemed Awards and Accolades

Dr Parin’s remarkable journey led her to assume various roles, recognitions, and awards.

  • CEO and Directorof the London Organisation of Skills Development (LOSD): Dr Parin is dedicated to empowering societies globally through education and skill enhancement initiatives.
  • Multifaceted Personality: Dr Parin has also become a renowned Educator, TEDx Speaker, Author of 19 books, International Motivational Speaker, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, and Multi-International Award Winner.
  • Beauty Pageants and Women Empowerment: Dr Parin wanted to do more for global societies, including women empowerment, which she did through beauty pageants. Moreover, she has been honoured and crowned the title of Mrs Universe 2022, Winner of Enigma Mrs World 2022 in Thailand, Winner of Mrs BritAsian 2021 in London, Winner of Mrs India 2021, Winner of Mrs Universe International 2021, Winner of Mrs India Global 2021and runner up of Mrs Queen of India 2021.
  • Guinness World Records: She was one of the Lead Editors of ‘The Thickest Book in the World.’ Recognised five times in the World Book of Records, twice in the Indian Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, twice in the Karnataka Book of Records, Golden World Book of Records and Scholars Book of World Records.