Adv Sanchari Chakroborty: Committed to Shaping the Future of the Indian Legal Arena

Adv Sanchari Chakroborty
Sanchari chakroborty

If you wish to succeed in the legal sector, you must think of it like a game of chess the way Adv Sanchari Chakroborty does. During her eight years at 6 Old Post Office Street, Kolkata, she learned a lot and dispute resolution became her passion. Identifying the disputes, applying the correct strategy, identifying the most appropriate means of litigation and resolving the same with a logical conclusion. Like a game of chess, it grooved on Adv Sanchari. Her favourite area of interest has always been commercial litigation.

It all started in 2009 when, freshly graduated from the State University, Adv Sanchari approached one of the Senior Partners of Victor Moses & Co., a very reputed law firm in Kolkata, for an opportunity to work. She was offered a month’s internship. Being a first-generation lawyer with no referrals, even an internship opportunity for a certificate, meant a big deal. Thus, Adv Sanchari began her journey in litigation on the 4th of August.

Eventually, the month’s internship translated into another month, then another and ultimately, after completing six months, Adv Sanchari was inducted as an associate. She says she is grateful to all her mentors in the said Firm who never held back from giving her opportunities to excel, learn, and grow. From 2009 till 2017, Adv Sanchari worked in the said firm, climbing the ladder slowly and ultimately ending up assisting the senior most partner, Mr D. N. Mitra, directly and handling the entire litigation wing under him.

The Rise of Conviction

In 2017, Adv Sanchari’s passion for the profession made her take the leap of faith and she commenced charting her own path. Seeds of SC&A Legal, Advocates and Solicitors were sown. Being the Founder and Managing Partner herself, she initially started with another member. They have now grown into a more than 15-member law firm with its headquarters in Kolkata and offices in Delhi and Bhubaneswar. The Firm specializes in commercial litigation, contractual disputes, corporate advisory, shareholder disputes, and insolvency matters. It has been quite educational and a journey of growth and understanding.

Adv Sanchari says that her understanding of people and their needs has deepened. “To lead the way is never an easy task, but I am extremely grateful to my almighty who has always shown the right path. This profession has also been kind to me. Help has always come to me when it is needed. When you choose to lead the way, the most important thing is never to give up and keep moving forward. Come what may, roads will show up on their own. Have faith. My team has been my strongest pillar, and they are the reason for whatever SC&A Legal has achieved,” says Adv Sanchari.

According to Adv Sanchari, the legal arena is not merely a profession; it is a calling rooted in the pursuit of justice, fairness, and the betterment of society. Her journey into law began with a fundamental belief in the power of justice to transform lives. Inspired by real-world cases and the ability of legal professionals to champion the rights of the vulnerable, she realized the potential for positive change that lies within the legal system. “As lawyers, our responsibility extends beyond individual cases; it encompasses a commitment to shaping the future of our legal community,” she says, adding that whether she has been able to inspire others that time will tell, but she has been trying through SCA to encourage the new age law graduates to join the field of litigation by giving them a more inclusive and flexible work environment.

Adv Sanchari mentions, “I have noticed an apathy in the young generation from joining the field of litigation.” SC&A endeavours to motivate and promote this younger generation to work in litigation. It’s a field where every day you win, every day you lose. But more than winning or losing, it gives you a sense of pride that someone entrusted their entire faith and beliefs on your shoulder to fight for their cause. Every time you get a brief, a matter to work on, you get someone’s faith and trust and an opportunity to create a change by creating a precedent. “This is a wonderful feeling, and I want this feeling to be shared with as many as possible,” feels Adv Sanchari.

Fearlessly Facing Every Battle 

SC&A specializes in resolving various commercial disputes, ranging from trade to inter-management disputes, in the most cost-effective and time-efficient manner. Litigation cannot be an end in itself. At times, it also encourages the parties in dispute to negotiate a good commercial settlement. Again, the process sometimes provides the desired result by itself. The trick lies in identifying the best means and methods. The Firm gets into an in-depth study of the case at hand and provides the clients with a step-wise way forward strategy right from the beginning till the expected end. This vision for the way forward lends clients great room for planning the financials and the impact management of the process.

The Firm takes full responsibility for drafting and preparing the arguing counsels as and when required, making the process seamless for its clients. “We do not commit to delivering instant justice, but our commitment is to deliver the right answer to the dispute and thereby resolving it in the best possible interests of our client,” says Adv Sanchari, who feels they are fearless because they have fought litigations and are still fighting various litigations against firms and companies which figure in legal 500 and Fortune 500 respectively.

But that hasn’t been able to hold us back from getting justice for our clients. Coming up with newer ideas and challenging conventional thinking has always been our forte, and we have been greatly rewarded for the same. We refuse to limit ourselves by branding us in any defined bracket of solicitor or Advocate-On-Record. We are lawyers, and each associate of SC&A has fearlessly faced every battle in court as and when occasion arose, and we continue to strive to do the same.”

Always Being on the Client’s Side

Adv Sanchari further says in the brief that her clients appreciate her and her team’s honesty. “The fact that we are always available to listen to their thought process and work together in complete transparency towards the common goal has always provided them comfort.” Adv Sanchari firmly believes that every litigant understands the best and worst points of their matter, and working together as a team is essential for the desired result. This also, in the process, provides your client with a sense of confidence and comfort. The culture of keeping away  from clients has become the practice of a bygone era. Today’s clients are well aware of the latest judgments and judicial precedents, and as such, you can in no way underestimate their input to a matter. It is teamwork and has to be fought like that.

Sharing SC&A’s offerings and factors that make them stand out, Adv Sanchari says SC&A is a boutique law firm specialising in dispute resolution, corporate advisory, and commercial litigation. “We are not a one-size-fits-all firm; we are dedicated experts with a deep understanding of the intricacies within these domains. Our focused approach ensures that clients receive tailored, insightful solutions to their unique challenges. Over the years, we have successfully navigated many complex legal issues for our clients.”

From providing strategic corporate advice to achieving favourable outcomes in high-stakes commercial litigation, the firm has consistently delivered results, earning the trust and satisfaction of its clients. Adv Sanchari and her team prioritize understanding your business objectives, concerns, and values. This client-centric approach allows them to provide legal expertise and practical, business-oriented advice that aligns with your goals. Being a boutique law firm, they offer a level of personalized service that larger firms may struggle to match. Their clients have direct access to experienced attorneys intimately familiar with their cases. This ensures clear communication, quick response times, and seamless collaboration throughout the legal process.

Forward Thinking Approach

In the ever-evolving legal landscape, innovation is key. SC&A prides itself on adopting forward-thinking strategies to address contemporary legal challenges. Adv Sanchari says, “We leverage cutting-edge legal technologies and creative problem-solving to provide innovative solutions that position our clients for success. Transparency is the cornerstone of our client relationships. We believe in keeping our clients informed at every step, providing clear insights into the legal process, potential risks, and available options.”

This transparent communication fosters trust and empowers the Firm’s clients to make informed decisions. Adv Sanchari adds, “We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in legal services.”

SC&A is committed to providing efficient, value-driven representation without compromising on the quality of its work. “Our fee structures are transparent, and we strive to maximize the value we deliver to our clients,” insists Adv Sanchari. In choosing SC&A, clients are not just selecting legal representation but partnering with a team dedicated to their success. “Our blend of expertise, personalized service, and commitment to excellence positions us as the premier choice for corporations seeking reliable and results-driven legal counsel.”

Your Trust is Our Firm Belief 

Being an experienced leader, sharing her opinion on how adopting modern technologies impacts the legal industry and how SC&A is adapting to the change, Adv Sanchari says that it is important to recognize the importance of technology in the legal field and embrace the same. By utilizing advanced legal research platforms, their attorneys access an extensive database of legal resources, enabling them to stay current with the latest case law, statutes, and legal precedents. This ensures their legal strategies are grounded in the most up-to-date and relevant information.

Efficiency is a cornerstone of their practice. In an era of digital information, SC&A has advanced e-discovery tools. These technologies facilitate the efficient identification, collection, and analysis of electronic data, ensuring a comprehensive approach to litigation and dispute resolution. This capability is particularly crucial in handling complex commercial litigation cases. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, SC&A employs AI tools for legal analytics. These technologies assist in analyzing vast amounts of legal data, predicting case outcomes, and identifying patterns. “This data-driven approach enhances our legal strategies, enabling us to offer our clients more informed and strategic counsel.”

SC&A prioritizes the security of sensitive legal information. Robust cybersecurity measures are in place to safeguard client data and maintain confidentiality. “We understand the importance of trust in the attorney-client relationship, and our commitment to cybersecurity reflects our dedication to protecting our clients’ interests.”

SC&A embraces virtual collaboration tools to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members, regardless of geographical location. “This ensures that our legal professionals can work together efficiently and respond promptly to the needs of our clients.”

In adopting these modern technologies, SC&A is trying not only just to keep pace with the changes in the legal industry; it actively advocates shaping the future of legal practice with innovation. “By integrating these tools into our daily operations, we are better equipped to provide innovative solutions, enhance client experiences, and deliver legal services that meet the demands of the contemporary legal landscape,” informs Adv Sanchari.

Overcoming Challenges by Leadership Succession

Operating as a boutique law firm founded by a first-generation lawyer presents several unique challenges that require strategic navigation and resilience. Here are some of the key challenges faced by SC&A:

~Establishing Reputation and Credibility: As a first-generation law firm, building a reputation and establishing credibility within the legal community can be a significant challenge. SC&A has worked diligently to showcase its expertise, successes, and commitment to excellence and has gained the trust of clients and peers with its relentless efforts.

~Client Acquisition and Retention: Boutique law firms often face intense competition for clients. SC&A has developed effective client acquisition strategies, emphasizing its unique value proposition to attract and retain clients. SC&A has focused on Building long-term client relationships, which has been a crucial factor in its growth.

~Limited Resources: Unlike larger, more established firms, boutique law firms typically operate with limited resources. Many constraints in workforce, technology, and marketing budgets are often faced. Hence, Efficient resource allocation and strategic decision-making are imperative to overcome these limitations.

~Diversification of Practice Areas: SC&A, which specialises in dispute resolution, corporate advisory, and commercial litigation, has encountered diversification-related challenges. Planning is the only key to this challenge. Exploring additional practice areas while maintaining expertise in the core specialities requires careful planning to ensure sustained growth and relevance in a dynamic legal landscape.

Succession Planning: First-generation law firms often grapple with succession planning. There must be a special focus on ensuring the continuity of the firm’s values, client relationships, and expertise through transitions for long-term sustainability. “We are developing the same through a robust plan for leadership succession for overcoming this challenge,” states Adv Sanchari.

~Legal Talent Recruitment: Attracting and retaining top legal talent can be a challenge for boutique firms competing with larger entities that may offer more extensive resources and benefits. However, SC&A, with its unique work environment, growth opportunities, and the value of contributing to a close-knit team, has been working through this challenge and is thankful to its team for their cooperation and efforts.

Successfully overcoming these challenges requires strategic planning, adaptability, effective communication, and a commitment to delivering exceptional legal services. “SC&A’s continued resilience in addressing these hurdles will lead to its further growth and sustained success,” believes Adv Sanchari.

Courage is Paramount

She further believes that in legal transformation, the role of a fearless first-generation law firm like SC&A is paramount, particularly in challenging established norms and fostering a progressive legal environment. Here’s how SC&A, with its unique characteristics as a first-generation firm, can make substantial contributions:

*Breaking Stereotypes through Inclusivity: As a first-generation law firm, SC&A can break traditional stereotypes by cultivating a more inclusive and close-knit work atmosphere. By valuing diversity and creating a workplace that celebrates varied perspectives, SC&A contributes to a legal profession that reflects the diversity of the society it serves.

*Associates are  the Wheels of Succession Planning: SC&A recognizes that its associates are not just employees but integral to the firm’s future. As the wheels of succession planning, associates are provided with growth prospects, mentorship, and opportunities to take on increasing responsibilities. This approach ensures a seamless transition of leadership, fostering stability and continuity within the firm.

*Hands-on Experience in Dispute Resolution: SC&A distinguishes itself by offering hands-on experience, particularly in the specialized field of dispute resolution. Associates are involved in real cases, gaining practical insights into complex legal challenges. This immersive learning approach enhances their skills and positions them as adept problem solvers in the legal landscape.

*Embracing Change with Fearless Leadership: As a fearless legal entity, SC&A embraces change proactively. First-generation leadership understands the importance of staying agile in a transforming legal landscape. By adopting emerging technologies, exploring new practice areas, and encouraging innovative approaches, SC&A sets an example for its associates and the legal community.

*Nurturing Collaborative Environments: SC&A leverages its first-generation status to foster a collaborative environment. Associates are encouraged to actively engage with each other, share insights, and contribute to the collective growth of the firm. This collaborative spirit enhances the work atmosphere and positions SC&A as a hub of shared knowledge and expertise.

*Ethical Leadership as a Guiding Principle: Ethical leadership becomes a guiding principle for SC&A in a transformative legal landscape. First-generation leaders instill a culture of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. This commitment to ethical practices builds trust with clients and sets the tone for a legal profession that values principled conduct.

*Societal Impact through Legal Advocacy: SC&A, as a first-generation firm, understands its broader societal impact. By actively engaging in legal advocacy and social responsibility initiatives, the firm contributes to the community it serves. This commitment goes beyond legal practice, underscoring the responsibility of legal professionals to advocate for justice and positive societal change.

In essence, SC&A, as a first-generation law firm, serves as a beacon of change in the legal landscape. By challenging stereotypes, prioritizing inclusivity, nurturing the growth of its associates, and embracing a fearless approach to legal practice, SC&A transforms its trajectory and influences the evolution of the legal profession at large.

Adv Sanchari’s advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the legal space is straight from the heart: ‘Be fearless, believe in your strengths and do not get disappointed with your mistakes as mistakes are a great lesson for your success.’

Fostering a Legally Focused Future

She also believes that there is no formula for being fearless. Every woman possesses a compassionate and resilient leadership trait, and every woman is a fearless fighter. “It is just that we must not allow our inner courage and power to get shrouded by stereotypes of the societal boundaries and embrace our potential to grow in the legal profession and create a niche for ourselves with our unique capabilities,” she adds.

For the future, Adv Sanchari divulges her plan for SC&A. As a niche Dispute Resolution boutique law firm, SC&A is positioned at the intersection of specialization and excellence. “With our focused and specialized leadership, we envision to emerge as one of the market leaders in commercial dispute resolution and diversify into areas which complement our niche,” she says, adding that they are also actively considering geographic expansion, allowing SC&A to tap into new markets. “Establishing a presence in strategic locations or collaborating with international partners can broaden the firm’s reach, enabling us to address the cross-border legal concerns with our specialized knowledge and expertise,” she adds.

SC&A’s success hinges on the quality of its legal professionals. It will continue focusing on talent acquisition, development, and retention to ensure that a robust team capable of handling diverse and complex cases is in place and offer a bundle of opportunities to the young upcoming law graduates.

Under Adv Sanchari Chakraborty’s adept leadershipSC&A Legal Options has been awarded the Indian Achievers Award, 2021, for a promising Start-Up in recognition of outstanding professional achievement & contribution to nation building.  Adv Sanchari Chakroborty has also been honored with FSAI award 2022 for her outstanding contribution in the field of advocacy in Kolkata.