A People and Culture Leader–Somaya Chaddha: The Strategic Partner Driving Organizational Success

Somaya Chaddha

From transactional to strategic, the role of a Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) has undergone significant transformation in recent years. Initially viewed as transactional support staff, focusing on administrative tasks like payroll and benefits, thanks to the versatile business women personalities like Somaya Chaddha, HRBPs have evolved into strategic partners playing a crucial role in driving organizational success.

Somaya holds the Manager for People & Culture (HRBP) position at Anzy Global, India, where she exhibits dynamism and professionalism. With a fervent dedication to talent development and organizational advancement, Somaya enriches her role with extensive experience and expertise. Her unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace culture mirrors Anzy Global’s ethos of excellence and employee welfare.

In an exclusive interview with WomenWorld India, Somaya spoke extensively about her role, journey, contribution, success, and achievements. Given ahead are the highlights of that candid discussion.

As a trailblazer in the business world, could you take us back to the beginning of your journey? What motivated you to step into your field? 

Embarking on my journey, I was drawn to the intersection of people and progress. My motivation stems from a passion for fostering growth and maximizing potential. Witnessing the transformative impact of effective HR strategies, I became enamoured with the idea of shaping organizational cultures and empowering individuals. It’s not just about policies and procedures; it’s about igniting sparks of excellence within each person, driving collective success. This drive led me to become an HRBP, where I blend empathy, strategic insight, and innovation to cultivate environments where both individuals and businesses thrive.

You have emerged as one of India’s most versatile business leaders. Could you share the guiding philosophy that has propelled your success?

My guiding philosophy centres on authenticity, empathy, and adaptability and the same has been strengthened during my ten years tenure with TATA Advanced Systems limited. I believe in fostering a culture where individuals feel valued, empowered, and encouraged to bring their authentic selves to work. By truly understanding the needs and aspirations of employees, I strive to create tailored solutions that support their growth and well-being. Embracing change and remaining agile allows me to navigate dynamic landscapes effectively. Ultimately, it’s about building meaningful connections, fostering inclusivity, and driving organizational excellence through a people-centric approach.

The journey towards becoming a Women HR leader has been filled with both challenges and rewards. Overcoming barriers and shattering glass ceilings seemed like an insurmountable task in the early days of my career. Doubts about my ability to succeed personally and professionally were prevalent, but with unwavering determination and resilience, I turned every obstacle into an opportunity for growth.

During my tenure of ten years at TATA Advanced Systems Limited, I underwent significant personal and professional transformation. This journey underscored the importance of authenticity and assertiveness. Embracing my unique perspective as a woman in HR enabled me to bring invaluable insights to the table, fostering inclusivity within the workplace.

Each hurdle I encountered served as a stepping stone for my personal and professional development. Whether it involved overcoming biases or spearheading diversity initiatives, every experience molded me into a stronger, more empathetic leader.

The business landscape is continually evolving. How do you ensure your company remains adaptable and ahead of industry trends, providing innovative solutions to your clients?

As an HR Business Partner (HRBP), I foster a culture of continuous learning and agility within the company. By closely monitoring industry trends, I proactively identify skill gaps and advocate for targeted training and development programs. Collaborating with leaders, I facilitate open dialogue to understand evolving client needs, ensuring our teams are equipped to deliver innovative solutions. Additionally, I champion diversity and inclusion initiatives to bring varied perspectives into problem-solving. Through these efforts, I cultivate a workforce that is not only adaptable but also primed to anticipate and respond to changes, keeping our company at the forefront of innovation.

Your dynamic leadership style is often recognized as an inspirational force behind your company’s achievements. Could you shed light on your approach to leadership and team building within the organization?

I foster a culture of trust, empowerment, and collaboration at the heart of my leadership approach. I prioritize open communication, actively listening to team members’ ideas and concerns, and providing constructive feedback. By setting clear goals and expectations, I empower individuals to take ownership of their work and contribute to the team’s success. I also emphasize the importance of diversity and inclusion, recognizing each team member’s unique strengths. Through mentorship and professional development opportunities, I cultivate a supportive environment where individuals can grow and thrive, ultimately driving the organization towards shared goals with enthusiasm and innovation.

The essence of business lies in bringing innovation and advancements to the niche one is working in. How do you ensure your company balances customer expectations and user experience?

To balance client expectations and potential candidate experience, our company adopts a holistic approach that integrates both perspectives. We begin by thoroughly understanding our clients’ and candidates’ needs and preferences through ongoing communication and feedback mechanisms.

We tailor our recruitment processes to align with both client requirements and candidate expectations, ensuring transparency, fairness, and respect throughout the hiring journey. This includes clear communication about job roles, expectations, and the recruitment process itself.

We prioritize delivering a positive candidate experience by providing timely feedback, personalized communication, and a seamless application process. Simultaneously, we ensure that the candidates we present to our clients meet their criteria and expectations for skillset, culture fit, and performance.

Regular evaluation and refinement of our recruitment strategies help us maintain this balance, ensuring that our clients and candidates receive exceptional service and value from our recruitment efforts.

In the realm of business, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. How do you ensure your company leverages technology to optimize its services and stay ahead in a digital age?

In our business, we strategically integrate technology to boost efficiency and maintain a competitive edge. We invest in advanced systems for streamlined processes, such as automated workflows and data analytics tools for informed decision-making. Regular assessments and upgrades keep us abreast of emerging trends, ensuring we adapt swiftly to the evolving digital landscape. Also, fostering a tech proficiency culture through training programs empowers our team to leverage tools effectively. By prioritizing technological innovation, we optimise services and position ourselves as leaders in the digital age, consistently meeting and exceeding client expectations.

The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. How do you guide your company to foster a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment among its employees?

At our organization, fostering a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment is paramount. We achieve this through comprehensive training programs tailored to individual needs, regular performance assessments, and opportunities for continuous learning. Our mentoring initiatives pair experienced employees with those seeking guidance, while our transparent communication channels ensure that everyone feels heard and valued. Additionally, we encourage autonomy and initiative, empowering employees to take ownership of their career paths. By prioritizing employee development and empowerment, we cultivate a workforce that is skilled and motivated to drive the company’s success forward.

As a leader in India’s corporate sector, your company has likely faced its share of challenges. Could you share an instance where you led your team’s resilience and ingenuity to triumph over adversity?

One instance that stands out is when our company faced a significant economic downturn that affected many industries in India. During this challenging time, our team demonstrated remarkable resilience and ingenuity.

Firstly, we implemented proactive measures to streamline our operations and optimize resources without compromising our client and employee commitment. This involved conducting thorough assessments of our processes and identifying areas where we could improve efficiency.

Secondly, we shifted our focus towards offering innovative solutions to our clients that addressed their evolving needs amid the economic downturn. This involved rethinking our recruitment strategies, leveraging technology to enhance our services, and providing tailored consulting solutions to help companies navigate the challenging business environment.

Moreover, we strongly emphasised supporting and empowering our employees during this time. We provided training and development opportunities to equip them with the skills needed to adapt to changing circumstances and excel in their roles. Additionally, we fostered a culture of open communication and collaboration, where team members were encouraged to share ideas and support each other.

As a result of these efforts, not only did we weather the storm successfully, but we also emerged stronger and more resilient as an organization. Our ability to adapt, innovate, and collaborate during challenging times enabled us to overcome adversity and positioned us as a trusted partner for our clients in navigating uncertain times.

Looking to the future, what is your vision? How do you aspire to continue making a significant impact on India’s business landscape?

I want to cultivate a workplace culture of innovation, diversity, and continuous learning. Leveraging technology and data-driven insights, I aim to drive strategic HR initiatives that attract top talent, foster skill development, and promote collaboration. Prioritizing employee well-being and work-life balance, we’ll offer flexible arrangements and comprehensive wellness programs. We’ll be recognized as an ethical, socially responsible organization by strengthening our employer brand. Through these efforts, we’ll contribute to organizational growth and elevate India’s business landscape by nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and creating inclusive workplaces where individuals thrive.