In a groundbreaking initiative, a group of women cardamom farmers has established a cardamom auction company under the auspices of the Spices Board of India, marking the first such enterprise to be entirely controlled by women.
The Idukki Mahila Cardamom Producer Company Limited (IMCPCL) is proud to have a board consisting of 49 dedicated women cardamom farmers. The inaugural auction of this women-led venture took place at the Spices Park in Puttady, showcasing their commitment to the industry.
K.A. Anil Kumar, Assistant Director of Puttady Spices Park, highlighted the significance of this milestone, noting that among the 16 licensed cardamom auction companies under the Board, this is the first instance of a female cardamom farmer leading a company registered under the Board. Dr. Kumar emphasized that all 49 director board members actively engage in cardamom farming, setting a new standard in the industry.
Dr. Kumar expressed optimism about the impact of this new company, stating that it has the potential to attract more women farmers to the cardamom sector, where women are traditionally under represented.
Officials shared that the women-owned cardamom company is offering high-quality cardamom at auctions, aiming to attract buyers. During the first auction, the company achieved a significant milestone with the season’s highest price for cardamom per kilogram reaching ₹3,804, reflecting positively on the market.
Sujatha Bhagavathiraj, a director board member of the company, recounted the journey that led to the establishment of the company, which began with discussions in 2021 and culminated in its formation. She praised the support received from the Spices Board in registering the women-controlled cardamom auction company, highlighting the encouragement and assistance provided by the board officials.
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