Soma Chakraborty: Fostering India’s Healthcare Hub via Goodace Hospital Ecosystem

Soma Chakraborty

Due to the constantly evolving landscape of leadership, women who definitively embody all the significant characteristics of the most empowering leaders make their mark on India’s business leadership horizon. Shining like a star on this vista, Soma Chakraborty, the Founder and Managing Director of Goodace Hospital, emerges as one of the leading ladies in this league.

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership and empowerment, Soma stands as a beacon of inspiration and resilience, recognized as The Most Powerful Business Woman. With a distinguished career spanning decades, Soma has made indelible contributions to various sectors, leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s socio-economic fabric. Through her visionary leadership, unwavering commitment to social causes, and relentless advocacy for gender equality, Soma has emerged as a transformative force, empowering individuals and communities across India.

Today, as a trailblazer in the healthcare field, Soma has shattered glass ceilings and defied stereotypes, paving the way for countless women to pursue their dreams and achieve their fullest potential. Her leadership transcends boundaries, encompassing diverse realms such as business, philanthropy, education, and social activism. Through her innovative initiatives and inclusive approach to leadership, Soma has empowered women to break barriers, challenge norms, and become agents of change in their own right.

When we tried to bestow on her the crowning glory of being an iconic entrepreneurial leader, she humbly said, “I would like to confess that a huge step is pending to become an iconic entrepreneur in the world. I have achieved very little. Though, I always celebrate this small achievement, which motivates me to go ahead for the next goal.

Daring to Dream

Soma’s journey is a testament to the power of daring to dream and the unwavering determination to turn those dreams into reality. From an early age, Soma harboured ambitions of a successful career, fuelled by dedication, passion, and an unyielding drive to succeed. Her refusal to be confined by limitations or conventional notions of retirement speaks volumes about her relentless pursuit of excellence and her insatiable appetite for making a meaningful impact through her work.

For Soma, the path to success has been paved with dedication, dreams, and unwavering determination. She firmly believes these qualities are essential for anyone aspiring to become a successful entrepreneur. Her journey is a testament to the fact that success is not merely the result of luck or circumstance but rather the culmination of hard work, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to one’s goals.

Despite facing challenges and setbacks, Soma remained resolute in pursuing her dreams. From her teenage years, she harboured aspirations of creating her establishment, driven by a burning desire to carve out her path in life. Even in the face of adversity, Soma refused to be deterred, demonstrating a remarkable resilience and determination to overcome any obstacles that stood in her way.

Soma’s journey is a testament to the resilience and courage required to overcome adversities and emerge stronger than ever. She understands that no job, team, or institute is perfect from the outset, but the willingness to take risks and seize opportunities leads to extraordinary achievements. Soma firmly believes that every opportunity that comes her way is a blessing, a chance to do something remarkable and make a difference in the world.

Encountering Early Adversities

However, her journey has not been without its challenges. A car accident altered the course of Soma’s life, leaving her daughter with severe injuries that required her constant care. For 1 Year, Soma stayed by her daughter’s side in the hospital, grappling with the emotional toll of the accident and the uncertainty of the future. Amidst the chaos, she lost her job and depleted her savings, facing financial hardship and mental distress.

Yet, despite adversity, Soma refused to succumb to despair. Despite the setbacks, she remained resilient and hopeful, determined to rebuild her life and pursue her dreams. When an opportunity presented itself in a different sector, Soma embraced it wholeheartedly, accepting the role of HOD Marketing in a renowned hospital. From then on, she never looked back, channelling her energy and determination into achieving new goals and milestones.

Rising Again

Soma’s story of rising again embodies the spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to her dreams. After a successful career spanning 12 years in corporate hospitals, Soma felt a calling to create her world, one where she could make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Motivated by a vision of establishing a hospital catering to middle-class families with affordable healthcare, she embarked on a journey fraught with challenges and obstacles.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the dire need for accessible healthcare, particularly in the face of mass casualties due to the lack of hospital beds and financial constraints. This served as a stark reminder of the urgency and importance of Soma’s mission, further fuelling her resolve to make her dream a reality.

Undeterred by the daunting task ahead, Soma conducted meticulous research and drew upon her 18 years of experience in the medical field to lay the groundwork for her new venture. Recognizing the substantial investment required to establish a hospital, she courageously committed her savings to fund the endeavour, leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit of excellence.

Soma’s extensive network and contacts, amassed over 12 years in the industry, proved invaluable assets, providing her with the support and assistance needed to build her empire from the ground up. Armed with determination, perseverance, and a deep sense of purpose, Soma rose from the ashes of adversity, transforming her dream of affordable healthcare for all into a reality that would improve countless lives.

Ensuring Healthcare Access to All

Soma’s commitment to ensuring healthcare access for all is evident in her tireless efforts and sacrifices to establish and run her hospital. In May 2021, amidst the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, she embarked on the journey of serving patients by opening her hospital’s doors, initially catering to COVID-19 patients in dire need of care. Despite the challenges, Soma’s dedication and passion for providing healthcare to those in need never wavered.

Soma welcomed two more partners as the hospital grew, further bolstering her mission to expand access to quality healthcare. However, the road to success was difficult, especially during the tumultuous pandemic. Soma faced the daunting task of balancing her professional responsibilities with personal sacrifices, including staying away from her daughter for nearly 9-10 months, despite her daughter being just a kilometre away from Soma’s mother.

The challenges of running a hospital, particularly during a crisis, demanded unwavering dedication and sacrifice. Soma recounts the countless sleepless nights spent managing issues and ensuring the smooth operation of the hospital, often working around the clock to provide life-saving services to patients in need. Her commitment to giving more than 100% and working tirelessly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, underscores her unwavering resolve to ensure healthcare access for all, regardless of the obstacles encountered along the way.

Building a Holistic Healthcare Ecosystem

Soma’s vision of building a holistic healthcare ecosystem has become a reality through her unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence. In just two years and eleven months, her hospital has evolved into a 54-bed facility equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, including a fully equipped ICU and HDU backup, two semi-modular OTs, and dialysis units. This comprehensive setup enables the hospital to provide a wide range of medical services, from critical care to specialized surgeries, ensuring patients receive the highest quality of care possible.

Through her commitment to serving the community, Soma has earned a reputation for excellence, extending beyond the confines of her local district to neighbouring areas. Her hospital has become a beacon of hope for needy people, offering major surgeries and medical treatments at the lowest possible cost. Soma’s dedication to accessibility is further underscored by her hospital’s empanelment with various health schemes and corporate programs, including Swasthya Sathi, West Bengal Health Scheme, Central Government Health Schemes, and Cashless facilities, ensuring that a wide range of patients can benefit from their services.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Soma’s hospital has played a crucial role in providing care to those affected by the virus. With over 200 COVID-19 patients treated in just under three years, the hospital has demonstrated its commitment to serving the community during times of crisis. Additionally, the hospital has performed over 3000 surgeries, including complex procedures such as brain tumour surgeries and the extraction of large pelvic masses, showcasing its expertise and capabilities in handling diverse medical cases.

Beyond providing medical treatment, Goodace Hospital is deeply invested in community outreach and preventive care. Free OPD services by super-specialist doctors for slums and needy individuals, along with health check-up camps in rural districts, are a testament to Soma’s belief in the importance of proactive healthcare initiatives. For Soma, her hospital is not just a business venture but a labour of love, nurtured and cared for like a second child. Her ethos of generosity and compassion guides her every action, ensuring that her hospital remains a beacon of hope and healing for all who seek its services.

A Shining Beacon of Hope

Soma says, “I envision establishing at least five to six Hospitals in different states where middle-class people can afford quality treatment by super specialist doctors. If I want to be number one in this sector, I will follow a few things, and I believe every leader will follow.

She continues that they all need to be grounded in who they are as leaders. It serves as your moral compass for leading and inspiring your team. The more consistently you apply these principles, the more likely you will build a team that thrives and performs beyond your expectations. “I think there are few benefits of having a management philosophy.” These include:

  • Feeling more confident about your management style.
  • Making better hiring decisions.
  • Offering your team more clarity about your expectations.
  • Performing at a higher level with an engaged and inspired team.
  • Retaining more of your staff.

The most important goal of preparing mind set is to change negative attitudes into positive ones by helping co-workers believe in themselves first and then acquire trust and respect in the Institute.

  • Care and serve people.
  • Model and set standards for others to follow.

Soma’s management philosophy evolved over the years and now has seven principles:

  • Build trust, have integrity and demonstrate competence.
  • Engage all employees in setting ambitious goals.
  • Manage with empathy and accountability.
  • Position each team member to be successful.
  • Create a positive and encouraging environment.
  • Treat each individual with respect and humility.
  • Commit to growing the skill set of every team member.

An Illuminating Icon

Soma’s iconic leadership style is often recognized as an inspirational force behind Goodace Hospital. Sharing her leadership and team-building approach, Soma says, “I believe that your team is the root of your success. If you want to achieve your goal, first you have to choose the person who can be your team leader and who can play the role, and I have done the same.” Lead to them effectively, and it will be the same for other team members. Remember that the most effective team leaders build their relationships of trust and loyalty rather than fear or the power of their positions. “I must advise that ‘ego’ is a big enemy of you and a reason for your failure; if you want to build your trust within the organization, then you must leave your ego and emerge yourself from the ground.

A deep-seated commitment to social justice and equality is at the heart of Soma’s leadership. She has championed causes such as women’s empowerment, education for underprivileged children, and environmental sustainability, leveraging her influence and resources to drive meaningful change. Through her philanthropic endeavours and advocacy efforts, Soma has touched the lives of countless individuals, lifting them out of poverty, empowering them with education and skills, and providing them with opportunities for a brighter future.

An Ever-Evolving Equilibrium

The essence of healthcare entrepreneurship lies in bringing innovation and advancements to the medical field. Thus, balancing patient expectations and operational efficiency is a must. Soma says that nowadays, patients are vocal and assertive about health care. After the pandemic, their expectation is changing across industries.

One of the best ways to balance customer expectations and service delivery during uncertainty is to communicate proactively. Don’t wait for the patient to contact you with questions, complaints, or feedback. Contact them and inform them of any changes, delays, or issues affecting your service delivery. Explain the reasons, the impact, and the solutions. Be transparent, honest, and empathetic. Show that you care about their needs and are working hard to resolve them.

‘To balance customer expectations and service delivery during uncertainty is to adapt and innovate. Uncertainty can also bring new possibilities and innovations for your service delivery. You may need to adopt new tools, methods, or processes to improve efficiency, effectiveness, or value. You may need to explore new markets, segments, or offerings to meet customer needs. You may need to learn new skills, knowledge, or best practices to enhance your performance. You need to be flexible, agile, and creative to do that. Embrace change, experiment, and learn from your experiences.’

‘You need to identify and address any gaps, issues, or risks that may arise. You need to report and communicate your findings, achievements, and challenges. You must review and improve your service delivery processes, practices, and standards.

Soma adds, “I always believe that before starting any venture, you should choose your clientele base, and accordingly, you will set up your venture. From the first day, my target was lower middle-class families supported by different government schemes. Since its establishment, my hospital has been tied up with different government schemes by which every middle-class family member can benefit from my hospital, and it has easily spread the name to mass people very quickly.

At the same time, you must ease the entire stereotype thought for breath-breaking benefits and adopt some new changes. Consider that the healthcare industry is a vast field and it needs continuous development. Keep the mindset “To adapt to new changes, “acquire new technology, assist in consulting the best modern machines,” and provide high-quality treatment at an affordable cost.

Digitally Transforming

Also, digital transformation is accelerating across industries worldwide, and healthcare industries are not out of this track. “I am following the same trend.” Digital transformation has enormous potential to optimize operational processes and improve patient experience, reducing costs through software and digital uses. “I got huge benefits for my hospital by providing more personalized service, better communication with the consultant, tracking patient data, and tracking medicines and consumables.” Moreover, digitization provides easy access to patient areas through teleconsultation with all patients staying out of the country. “Also, I plan to establish Greenery Hospital in the future.” If you’re already planning to embark on the digital transformation journey of your healthcare company, please move on with this for your flexible workflow.

The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Soma says that growing in her career as an employee, she witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by the youth when it came to securing stable employment and realizing their dreams. “Though we are a patient-centric organization, I try to conduct various skill development programmes for employees. I must believe that any newcomer should know about their organization’s history, and my human resource department takes all the responsibilities.

Apart from continuing medical education, they arrange motivational cultural programmes for entrainment. “Though my hospital is undergoing various accreditation programmes, training is mandatory for our employees.

Soma furthers that when you are trying to create something big, it’s natural to have challenges. “I was not out of the box. On the first day, I could not complete my infrastructural part, which was a mess for me. My team was losing their energy and unstable about their future.

According to HRM policies, employees who are supported and valued by their leaders can be more productive and resilient. When your purpose is clear and inspired by the mission, it empowers them to make informed decisions quickly and cuts through information overload. If the teammates don’t understand their purpose, work with them to clarify it to motivate them.

This clarity of purpose can inspire the team to continue in difficult situations and make progress despite setbacks. It can make the employees feel self-sufficient and give them the renewed energy they need to continue working.

Greenery Hospital for the Future

Soma’s journey inspires aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. It reminds us that success is not determined by one’s background or circumstances but rather by the strength of one’s conviction and the willingness to seize opportunities when they arise. Her desire to embrace challenges and her unwavering belief in the power of dreams are a powerful reminder that anything is possible for those who dare to dream and have the courage to pursue their passions relentlessly. Looking to the future, Soma divulges, “At Goodace Hospital, our vision is to create a healthier world where every individual has access to comprehensive health service.

The healthcare market is growing significantly, and today, in this advancing stage for India, there is a huge lack of medical facilities to cater to the mammoth population. “I aim to create a Medical Hub in every state of our country. We are coming up with Nursing college, Medical college, and a Non-Paramedical Institute, and pharmaceutical industries,concludes Soma Chakraborty, whose leadership exemplifies the transformative power of empathy, compassion, and perseverance. Her visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to empowering others have earned her the admiration and respect of colleagues, peers, and communities alike.

As an empowering woman leader, Soma continues to inspire and uplift others, leaving an indelible legacy of empowerment and social impact that will endure for generations to come.