Essential  Teleskills 

Active Listening 

Being able to listen attentively and understand what others are saying is fundamental in any form of communication, including telecommunication. 

Clear Communication 

Articulating thoughts clearly and effectively is vital when communicating remotely.  


Empathy is key in building rapport and understanding the perspectives of others, even in virtual interactions. Being empathetic allows you to connect with colleagues or clients on a personal level.


Telecommunication often involves various platforms and technologies, each with its own nuances and challenges.  

Tech Proficiency 

Telecommunication often involves various platforms and technologies, each with its own nuances and challenges.  

Time Management 

Remote communication requires effective time management skills to ensure meetings start and end on time, messages are responded to promptly, and deadlines are met. 

Nonverbal Communication Awareness 

Despite the lack of face-to-face interaction, nonverbal cues still play a significant role in telecommunication.