An Ace Digital Marketer – Aru Sharma: Empathy at the Heart of Marketing: From Quadigy’s Culture to Customer Strategy

Aru Sharma
Aru Sharma

Marketing isn’t a game of winners and losers; it’s a journey of understanding and connection. That’s the ethos Aru Sharma, Co-founder and Head of Marketing Operations brings to the table at Quadigy – a quasi-consulting, full-service marketing agency that helps B2B companies solve their marketing problems with its distinctive finish-to-start approach. With a focus that shifts from mere transactions to genuine relationships, Aru believes in meeting customers not just at their point of need but also where dreams take shape.

At Quadigy, we excel by placing ourselves in the shoes of those we serve and work with, seeing through their eyes,” Aru shares. “It’s this empathy-driven approach that transforms customer needs into desires and desires into satisfaction—defining the very essence of Quadigy’s marketing strategy.”

Moving beyond the fragmented marketing of yesteryears, Aru’s strategy for Quadigy is as holistic as it is innovative. It marries Content, Search, Social, and Data—not as isolated tactics but as a cohesive strategy that ensures every touchpoint resonates with customers on a human level.

In an exclusive interview with WomenWorld India, Aru unpacks how empathy is not just a buzzword at Quadigy but a cultural cornerstone, influencing everything from internal team dynamics to how clients are engaged and their stories told.

Through the upcoming highlights, we delve into Aru’s unique perspective on leadership, Quadigy’s empathetic approach in the digital space, and how they’ve woven empathy into the narrative of success for their clients, setting them apart in the bustling marketplace.

Aru, as a trailblazer in the Marketing world, could you take us back to the beginning of your journey? What motivated you to step into your field?

My journey into the marketing world began during my MBA, where creative communication, understanding buyer psychology, and the art of advertising captivated me. The thought of spending my days buried in Excel sheets, analyzing data, seemed about as appealing as watching paint dry; I was drawn to the more dynamic aspects of marketing that involved verbal and visual storytelling. Entering the field in 2007, I witnessed the infancy of digital marketing—a time when having a website was a “nice to have” thing, social media was just for personal connections and ‘viral’ was still mostly associated with the flu. The contrast between what was taught in academia and the rapid evolution of the marketing landscape was fascinating. Witnessing the rise of digital marketing from its early stages to the powerhouse it is today has been a thrilling ride. It’s been a blend of excitement, learning, and the occasional ‘oops’ moment, all wrapped up in the quest to master the art of digital persuasion.

Quadigy has emerged as one of India’s best B2B Marketing Solutions enterprise. Could you share the guiding philosophy that has propelled your organization’s success?

Our guiding philosophy at Quadigy is deeply rooted in one word: empathy. It’s not just a buzzword for us but the core of how we operate and interact with the world. For our clients, it means diving deep into their challenges, not just to sell them a solution, but to truly understand and address their needs. We see ourselves as the bridge between their problems and solutions, ensuring we’re not just another vendor pushing unnecessary services.

Empathy extends to our team as well. We’ve all been in jobs where we felt like just another cog in the machine. That’s not us. We treat our team as the collection of unique individuals they are, with their aspirations, challenges, and coffee preferences. We remember our roots and strive to create an environment we would have loved to work in—one that respects, nurtures, and listens.

It’s about creating a circle of trust and respect where clients and employees know they’re valued and understood. This approach has turned our organization into more than just a marketing company; we’re a support system, a brain trust, and sometimes, the much-needed comic relief. The human connections drive us forward and set us apart in the bustling landscape of India’s marketing industry.

The marketing landscape is continually evolving. How do you ensure that Quadigy remains adaptable and ahead of industry trends, providing innovative solutions to your clients?

At Quadigy, we have a healthy obsession with learning, and our culture of curiosity permeates every corner of our office, virtual or otherwise. We’re voracious readers, always looking for the next big thing in marketing. Whether it’s the latest in digital marketing or a new way to leverage AI, you bet we’re on it. But it’s not just about what we consume; it’s about what we share. Knowledge sharing is our secret sauce. We’ve cultivated an environment where every new piece of information, every insight, and every failed experiment is shared, dissected, and learned from. This culture of shared learning ensures that we’re not just following trends; we’re staying ahead of them. We experiment relentlessly, applying new tools and techniques to real-world problems, always ready to pivot based on what the data—and our guts—tell us. And with the horizon of AI looming large, we’re encouraging our team to evolve from specialists to holistic marketers—adaptable, multi-skilled, and always ready for what’s next.

In short, our approach is a mix of science, art, and magic, ensuring that we’re not just delivering innovative solutions to our clients but also redefining what’s possible in the marketing field.

Your leadership style is often recognized as an empowering force behind Quadigy’s achievements. Could you shed light on your approach to leadership and team building within the organization?

In my playbook, leadership is less about wielding authority and more about cultivating an environment where creativity and independence thrive. Think of it as being the conductor of an orchestra. Every musician masters their instrument, but the conductor’s role is to harmonize these talents, guiding them to create something truly spectacular. That’s how I view my role at Quadigy.

I give my team room to navigate their paths, experiment, and sometimes falter. It’s like handing them a map and saying, ‘There are many ways to get to the destination. Pick one, and I’ll be right here if you need me.’ This autonomy encourages ownership and innovation, qualities that are invaluable in marketing.

However, autonomy doesn’t mean abandonment. I’m always there, a compass, ready to provide direction or a second opinion. This balance ensures that while I steer the ship based on our collective goals, everyone feels empowered to take the helm now and then. Team building becomes an exercise in building trust and fostering a culture of open communication. It’s about creating a space where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and challenges, knowing they’ll be met with support, not scepticism.

My leadership style is about empowering my team to be the best versions of themselves, professionally and personally. It’s about leading by example and being as ready to learn from them as they are to learn from me. After all, we’re on this thrilling, chaotic, and incredibly rewarding journey together.

The essence of marketing lies in bringing innovation and advancements to the sector in which one works. How does your enterprise strike a balance between operational proficiency and user experience?

Operational efficiency is the backbone of our organization. It allows us to deliver consistent, high-quality work at the pace the market demands. We lean on a mix of technology, streamlined processes, and a culture of continuous improvement to keep our operations sleek and responsive.

We dive deep into the hearts and minds of our audience, crafting experiences that resonate on a personal level. It’s about connecting, engaging, and delighting at every touchpoint. From the first click to the lasting impression, we ensure every interaction is meaningful and memorable.

Our secret sauce is integration and alignment across teams. Our strategists, creatives, and tech experts work in unison, ensuring that efficiency never comes at the expense of creativity, and vice versa. It’s a fine line to walk, but by keeping our eyes on the data and the dreams, we navigate it gracefully.

In essence, operational proficiency is the vessel that carries our creative aspirations. It’s not about choosing one over the other; it’s about leveraging each to elevate the other.

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial aspects of modern industry. How does Quadigy promote these principles through its operations and contribute to a sustainable future?

Our approach to promoting sustainability starts with the little things—reducing paper use, optimizing digital workflows to minimize energy consumption, and encouraging remote work to cut down on commuting emissions. These steps might seem small in isolation, but together, they contribute significantly to our environmental footprint.

Beyond our immediate operations, we strive to integrate sustainability into our client projects. This means advocating for digital-first strategies that align with modern consumers’ preferences and significantly reduce the environmental impact compared to traditional marketing methods.

We’re constantly exploring new ways to reduce our impact on the planet and actively contribute to a sustainable future. It’s a journey with no finish line, but every step forward is a step towards a healthier planet.

In the realm of marketing, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. How does your company leverage technology to optimize its services and stay ahead in a digital age?

At Quadigy, we’ve tailored our tech stack to meet our clients’ unique demands, ensuring we stay ahead in this fast-paced digital age.

We leverage advanced data analytics and AI to deeply understand business customers’ needs, behaviours, and decision-making processes. This insight allows us to craft highly targeted marketing strategies that speak directly to the concerns and aspirations of our clients’ customers.

Automation plays a starring role in our marketing strategies. From lead nurturing campaigns to content distribution, automation tools help us ensure that we’re engaging the right prospects with the right message at the right time—without missing a beat. It’s about being omnipresent in our clients’ customers’ journeys, guiding them from awareness to efficient and effective decision-making.

Emerging technologies, such as AI, are particularly exciting for us. They enhance our ability to forecast trends and customer needs and allow us to personalize marketing efforts at scale.

Collaboration technologies are another cornerstone of our marketing strategy. They facilitate seamless communication and coordination across teams, ensuring our marketing efforts align with our clients’ overarching business goals. In today’s hybrid work environment, these tools are vital for maintaining the cohesion and synergy of our teams, no matter where they’re located.

Our marketing approach is to harness technology not just as a support mechanism but as a strategic advisor and efficiency driver. By integrating the latest tech innovations into our marketing practices, we can offer our clients sophisticated, data-driven campaigns that resonate with their target markets and deliver measurable ROI. Technology, for us, is the bridge that connects marketing strategies with tangible business outcomes.

The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. How does Quadigy foster a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment among its employees?

We champion a mindset of continuous learning and curiosity. We encourage our team members to not just think outside the box but to redefine it. Whether through cross-functional projects, workshops, or team challenges, we always make sure there’s an avenue for learning something new. It’s like keeping the doors and windows open so fresh ideas can breeze in from any direction.

We also place a strong emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving. It’s not uncommon to find us huddled around a whiteboard, tossing around ideas and solutions, where every voice is heard and every suggestion valued. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of ownership and pride in our work, driving us to innovate and excel.

But it’s not all work and no play. We know that a happy team is a productive team. So, we ensure a healthy balance between hard work and fun, whether it’s celebrating wins, big or small, or just taking a moment to unwind and laugh together.

In the age of AI and automation, the future belongs to those who can blend technical skills with creativity and empathy. That’s why we’re committed to nurturing a workforce that’s skilled but also versatile and adaptable, ready to face tomorrow’s challenges head-on.

At Quadigy, we’re building more than just a team; we’re crafting a community of forward-thinkers, problem solvers, and, most importantly, lifelong learners.

You are admired as a resolute leader in the industry. What is your advice to entrepreneurial aspirants, especially women, wishing to enter your sector?

To the ambitious souls eager to carve their paths in the marketing sector, especially the brilliant women among you, here’s my advice based on years of navigating this vibrant yet challenging field.

First, brace yourself for a journey that is as exhilarating as unpredictable. The marketing world is like the ocean—beautiful, vast, and sometimes tumultuous. Embrace both the calm and the storms. Every setback is not a step back but a preparation for a grander leap forward.

Build your tribe. Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you. Having a network of mentors, peers, and cheerleaders is invaluable. These are the folks who will be your sounding board, your support system, and, occasionally, your reality check.

Dare to take risks, but let your risks be calculated. Marketing is ever-evolving, demanding innovation and courage to tread uncharted territories. However, always arm yourself with research, insights, and a solid plan. Remember, a well-informed risk is an opportunity in disguise.

Never stop learning. Marketing is perpetually in flux, with new trends, tools, and theories emerging at the speed of light. Stay curious, stay hungry, and stay updated. The moment you think you know it all is the moment you fall behind.

And to the women stepping into this sphere, wield your unique perspectives as your strength. The marketing world thrives on diversity of thought and creativity. Your voice is powerful, and your insights are invaluable. Shine boldly.

Lastly, don’t forget the power of psychology. Understanding human behaviour, emotions, and motivations is at the heart of marketing. It’s what turns a good marketer into a great one.

Today, marketing goes beyond the physical realm, touching on aspects like constant digital customer engagement, loyalty, and immersive experience through brand building and offering novelties. How does your company address these critical factors in its service offerings?

In today’s marketing landscape, digital customer engagement, loyalty, and introducing novelties are key to standing out. At Quadigy, we address these aspects with a focus on creativity, data, and constant innovation.

Digital Engagement: We use analytics to understand customer behaviour across digital platforms. This insight guides us in crafting personalized and compelling content strategies that effectively engage audiences. Whether through social media, email campaigns, or interactive web content, our goal is to spark meaningful interactions that resonate with our audience.

Loyalty: Building loyalty is more than just transactions; it’s about creating a relationship. We emphasize consistent value delivery through informative content, responsive customer service, and regular engagement initiatives. We aim to make every customer feel valued and understood, fostering community and trust around our clients’ brands.

Offering Novelties: The pace of change in marketing tools and trends is relentless. We stay agile by constantly exploring new technologies, platforms, and content formats to keep our clients’ marketing efforts fresh and engaging. From AI-driven personalization to dynamic content delivery, we’re always looking for the next innovation to enhance our marketing strategies and delight our clients’ audiences.

Our strategy revolves around understanding and adapting to the evolving digital landscape. Focusing on personalized engagement, nurturing loyalty, and embracing innovation, we help our clients forge deeper connections with their customers and stay ahead in a competitive market.